In the third annual Halloween episode of the show, Murphy is joined by his mates guys Lauren Bok, Simon Cumming & Tom Keele to drink Adnams Ghost Ship Pale Ale and discuss ASMR, sitcoms, New York, books, pimple popping, Terry Pedestrian, headphones, Kony, phones, Twitter, and more!
This week Murph is joined by Sonia Di Iorio, Rob Caruana, and Lucy Milinski to drink Goose IPA (and 5 Seeds Cider) and discuss Germany, mistakes, Malta, hops, Hungary, kissing, Live on Bowen, singing, Sam Newman, werewolves, and more!
Check out Sonia on FB:
And Rob and Lucy's podcast:
And of course all Murphy's stuff is at
Please rate and review the pod and follow Beer Eye on FB and Twitter!
This week Murph is joined by mates guys Timothy Clark, Adam Knox , and Rosie Vernel to drink Mash Copycat AIPA and discuss hiccups, hot dogs, West Coast Eagles, knives, Tony Danza, taxes, MythBusters, high school, Carlton Draught, placebos, pissing, the MCG, dogs, Roland Hoffmann, hay fever, orgasms, and more!
This week Murph is joined by mates guys Katherine Allan, Rose Bishop, and Matthew Vasquez to drink Balter IPA and discuss Woodstock, names, Queensland, old people, Northern Territory, the government, Ghana, slabs, Richmond Football Club, saving money, Cruisers, deodorant, Harry Potter, group chats, Tim Winton, and more!