This week Murphy is joined by mates guys Lauren Bok, Timothy Clark, and Lewis Dowell to drink Wells Banana Bread Beer and discuss fears, Dan Murphy's, pats on the bum, Avocado Man, the fridge, Eight Mile, Adelaide, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Old King Cole, Benjamin Button, Rob Caruana, and more!
This week Murphy is joined by his mates guys Claire Hagan, Ben Searle, and Jeremy Webb to drink Yeastie Boys Big Mouth and discuss tattoos, tribute bands, The Six Club, fries, Chopper Read, perfume, Steve Martin, sports face, The Five Club, piercings, sunscreen, Bunnings, baked beans, The One Club, spreadsheets, Peroni, cheese, AC/DC, video stores, Pokemon, schooners, Skerple, and more!
Happy long weekend!
In this special Easter edition of the show Murphy is joined by his mates guys Rob Caruana, Luka Muller, and Rosie Vernel to drink Young's Double Chocolate Stout and discuss The Easter Bunny, slippers, Ace Ventura, poo, The Eight Club, yams, The Six Club, talcum powder, Mr. Squiggle, prawns, MICF, flour, Live On Bowen, cranberry juice, Lucy, cat food, money, and more!
Check out Murphy's MICF show:
This week Murph is joined by his mates guys Arielle Conversi, Simon Cumming, and Kai Gehlsen to drink Ballast Point Big Eye IPA and discuss brewing beer, MICF, hockey, lamingtons, Strange Brew, fishing, wine, The Six Club, alcohol content, The Cobra Crew, memory, Tactical Nuclear Penguins, discarded products, Denmark, and more!