In this special live 25th episode Christmas edition of the show, Murphy is joined by his mates guys Firdi Billimoria, Timothy Clark, Kate Dehnert, Lewis Dowell, Roland Hoffmann, Adam Knox, Peter Jones, Luka Muller, Jess Perkins, Tessa Ryan, Ben Vernel, and Rosie Vernel to drink Corona and discuss their 2015 drinking highlights, watermelons, Red Symons, family get togethers, Lewis McKirdy, taxis, Revolver, hangovers, Revolver, blackouts, Danielle Walker, buying slabs, Stoner Sloth, MICF 2016, acid, kicking fences, office air conditioners, sobriety, and more!
Thanks to Lindsay Saddington, Club Voltaire, Tom Keele, and all the mates guys that came along!
This week Murphy is joined by his mates guys Michael Williams and Alasdair Tremblay- Birchall to drink Molson Canadian Lager and discuss Decembeer, Canada, the street entrenched, Kettle chips, slabs, American elections, finding new things, free beer, music, Christmas, Beyonce, Star Wars, victory sips, ice, video games,share houses, bottle-o's, pre-mix, post-mix, doughnuts, cigarettes, beer advent calendars, rum, maple syrup, and more!
This week Murphy is joined by his mates guys Tom Keele, Dilruk Jayasinha, and Kit Richards to discuss Monteith's Pointers Pale Ale and discuss pub crawls, being a light weight, Sri Lanka, sculling, sexism, university, planes, puking, spending money, flirting, yard glasses, bum bags, getting krunk, birthdays, making out, coffee, standard drinks, blackouts, boat races, shots, being naked, Arrack, falling asleep, and more!
In the first Decembeer edition of the show, Murphy is joined by his mates guys Tommy Dassalo, Thomas McMahon, and Claire Sullivan to drink Coors Crisp Refreshing Lager and discuss op shops, Coopers, tram T-shirts, smashability, Thomas the Tank Engine, eating, BO, Live on Bowen, bras, shoe sizes, caravans, overalls, Japan, tattoos, music festivals, coffee, pronunciation, and more!